Angry Carrot Cake

I was angry when I made this. Conflict at work two days in a row made me salty; baking/cooking is therapy for me, and I knew nobody was gonna make me a cake for my birthday so I made up my mind to make my own. Store-made cake has gross frosting sometimes, and I don’t like overly-sweet things. My grandmother made awesome carrot cake when I was younger. The part of her brain that stores heritage recipes fizzled out years ago, otherwise if she still had two legs, access to a kitchen and the majority share of her memory I’m sure she would have made me one…… but I digress. I had never attempted to make this cake from scratch, so that was all the reason I needed. #foodlab

This took forever, and as it turns out, the hardest part of the whole process. Four giant carrots and one very orange hand later, I had 3c shredded. There was no fingertip loss.

After it was done baking and frosted, and dolled up a bit with pecans, I felt better. I baked and frosted my way right out of frustration. This was deceptively easy to make, and got rave reviews at work. Guess I’ll be making it again. A Pinterest recipe, no less = its OK, I’m shocked too. Happy birthday to me.