Can A Salad Really Last?
The only way for a salad to have any staying power is to balance it with some protein, fat, or fiber (preferably all three). I see people load salads up with processed meat and eggs all the time – which ends up more no-bread sandwich than salad. When you hide your salad under 2 cups of diced ham, croutons and Ranch, its a tasty salt bomb and not worth much.
The only reason I’m posting about the salad is because every time I make big batch veg lunch and it turns out well – I’m thrilled. Eating plant-based takes some strategy – you have to increase volume to compensate for reduced kcal intake, but you have to keep either the protein or the fat content high enough that you aren’t starving an hour after you eat it. You will know (when you crash at 2:30pm) if there was enough protein/fat in it. I’m full now, and I still want to be full when I go home at 5:00pm. Your digestive tract won’t lie to your brain about what you ate – there’s no fooling it.
3:30pm update – I did get hungry. I ate an apple and the urge passed. Will add more salad dressing for tomorrow’s lunch to increase fat. Eating better is all about the tweaks, and what works for you.