Food preparation can be frustrating for some. I’ve failed a lot in the kitchen, and I find it cathartic to share some of my more epic missteps. Curiosity about new foods is so important! I am not trained in the culinary arts, and this fact will be abundantly clear as you read along. The page is named for one of my favorite classes in undergrad, and a landing spot for my most recent misadventures in the kitchen.

December 2020: large tubs of commercial hummus are boring and bland, so tried making my own. Roasted the garlic and everything. Ended up in very tasty wallpaper paste that is dense enough to break Triscuit cardboard squares in half, but overall pleased for a first run. Needs some tweaking. Gave half to the in-laws for beta testing, and drywall patch should they need it.

5-Oct-19: squirrel in a bacon blanket over a campfire. For the record, I didn’t want the bacon. I had never tried squirrel before – drums are better than backstraps, but still not good – I can check it off the list now. Shot by Hubs in Grayling while camping. Had a co-worker tell me later the Red ones aren’t good eating….. can confirm.

26-Sept-19: the 2019 Grape Harvest – not as big as last year, but respectable.

the last of the summer vegetables – Rainbow Chard and cherry tomatoes.