Quarantine Review

Allergies were a beast this year – had us all psyched out. Hiding and working at home became popular, then normal. So did wearing a mask – started as a nuisance and is now a fashion (political?) statement. Hand sanitizer is the new perfume.
I didn’t write much during shutdown – after the first week I was back to work 2 days/wk, and so buried in homework that I didn’t have much else to talk about. Isolation means you don’t talk to a lot of people, which equates to a rather uninteresting few months. DICAS match happened April 6, and I graduated May 9, and both monumental events happened in my home with Hubs. No party, no people, no celebration. Mostly tears and gratitude.
I took some pictures to document some of it – I was back to work full time in June so it only lasted two months. I cooked a lot, studied a lot, and watched too much TV. Being somewhat introverted, I appreciated the downtime. Much good came from it for myself personally, although it cost many others everything – jobs, homes, even lives. For this I am sorry. COVID isn’t over, but seems to be decreasing….. and as our state lifts restrictions and we start school again, we move on because we must.